Sunday, October 7, 2012

5 Books Founds

Book : Gods of Commerce: How Business Really Works
Quote : "Stability, economic, legal, social, and physical, is what permits a tradesperson to plan and allows a business to thrive over time". (15)
s    Summary : This book goes into detail about the world of business and how it is portrayed to how it really works. The book was written by Michael Phillips and was published in 1997 in San Francisco.

Book : Battlefields of England
Quote :"The King's column followed suit, whether spontaneously, or in response to a definite order it is impossible to say, and needless to speculate". (16)
Summary : This was an educational book that explains about many of the historical wars that took place in England. The book was written by Lieutenant Colonel Alfred H. Burne and was published in 1950 in London.

      Book : A Technique for Producing Ideas
      Quote : "This has brought me to the conclusion that the production of ideas is just as definite a process as the production of Fords; that the production of ideas, too, runs on an assembly line; that in this production the mind follows an operative technique which can be learned and controlled; and that its effective ise is just as much a matter of practice in the technique as is the effective use of any tool". (15)
      Summary : This is book is a self help book with ways to help readers who have trouble with brainstorming come up with ideas much more productively. The book was written by James Webb Young and was published in 1975 in Chicago.

      Book : The Development of Memory in Children
      Quote : "The Development of Memory in Children" talks about early childhood education and psychology. At the final three positions, differences were small". (15)
      Summary : This book talks about children and how their brains work with memory and the development of it. It was written by Robert Kail and was published in 1984 in the United States.
      Book : Malaysia
      Quote : "One of the precarious aspects of the problem of finding jobs for the increasing labour-force is that the Malaysian economy is still very independent on producing and exporting rubber". (15)
      Summary : This is also another educational book on the country of Malaysia with their culture and history. The book was written by T.E. Smith and was published in 1969 in Great Britain.

Works Cited
Burnett, Alfred David. The Battlefields of England. London: Methuen, 1950. Print.
Kail, Robert. Gedächtnisentwicklung Bei Kindern. Heidelberg: Spektrum Akad. Verl., 1984. Print.
Phillips, Michael. Gods of Commerce: How Business Really Works. San Francisco: Clear Glass, 1997. Print.
Smith, T.E. Malaysia. London: Headley Brothers, 1967. Print.
Young, James Webb. A Technique for Producing Ideas. Illinois: NTC Business, 1975. Print.

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